采购网络分析仪1000电议 采购商所在地:广东 深圳市 长期有效,最后更新于2020-07-31,以下是关于“网络分析仪”采购详情。ZNB20,回收ZNB20,回收ZNB20网络分析仪
联系人:程生,手机:13556833108 QQ: 971090887
电话:0755-61580256 地址:深圳市福田区华民路126号
罗德与施瓦茨 ZNB20 100 kHz to 20 GHz 矢量网络分析仪
Rohde&SchwarzKey ZNB20 Facts
Frequency range from 100 kHz to 20 GHz
Wide dynamic range of up to 140 dB
Short sweep times of 4 ms for 401 points
High temperature stability of typ. 0.01 dB/°C
These short-depth, compact two-port and four-port analyzers leave plenty of space on the workbench for the measurement application. They feature low operating noise thanks to low power consumption and a sophisticated cooling concept. The low power consumption also reduces operating costs and protects the environment.
-Wide dynamic range of up to 140 dB
-Short sweep times of 4 ms for 401 points
-High temperature stability of typ. 0.01 dB/ degrees C
-Wide power sweep range of 98 dB
-Wide range of IF bandwidths from 1 Hz to 10 MHz
-Manual and automatic calibration
-Large, high-resolution 12.1" screen
-Touchscreen user interface
-Two or four test ports

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